OTH Committee Events & Activities


  • Oregon Tennis Historical Committee formed by the Irvington Club board. The charter members are: Steve Hall (chairperson), Sam Lee, Emery Neale, and Mabel Balkovich


  • Purchased a fire proof vault to store irreplaceable material
  • Labeled and filed the initial set of tennis material that was collected. This included many irreplaceable USTA/PNW documents donated by Sam Lee
  • Installed an initial set of historical pictures in the Irvington Club lounge area
  • Bound the collection of old tennis magazines donated by Wes Hartman


  • Defined what constitutes historical significance
  • Prepared an index of the tennis material collected
  • Prepared lists of tennis events (high school state champions, Portland city champions, etc.)
  • Developed profiles of prominent tennis players and tennis contributors
  • Developed profiles of historic tennis organizations in the Pacific Northwest
  • Obtained a proposal from the I.C. board to construct a historical library at the Irvington Club to display the historical material


  • Mailed the tennis index to 50 old time tennis players and solicited tennis material from them
  • A work and storage area was established in the upstairs area of the Irvington Club to perform tennis research (closet, desk, desk chair, desk lamp, office supplies)


  • Obtained the Walter Goss scrapbooks from the Oregon Historical Society


  • Jim Flynn became a member of the committee
  • Moderated and supplied material for the Oral Tennis History Event conducted at the Irvington Club


  • Colleen Scissors became a member of the committee representing the I.C. board
  • Obtained copies of early Irvington Club legal documents
  • Developed policies and procedures concerning the use of the material
  • Documented events and loaned material to the I.C. 100th anniversary book committee


  • Prepared the 1998 tennis calendar and distributed copies to appropriate groups and individuals
  • Provided material to the USTA/PNW to help publicize the 100th anniversary of the Oregon State tournament


  • Received a plaque from the Oregonian commemorating the I.C. 100th anniversary. The plaque was framed and hung on the wall of the club along with an article from the Oregonian describing the event
  • Edited the book on the Irvington Club (The Club That Roared) for correctness
  • Reconstructed and provided to the club managerthe list of I.C. honorary members


  • Obtained a collection of old time tennis garments from the Jantzen Corporation. We made arrangements for a 2nd set to be sent to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport Rhode Island. In addition, received pictures of models wearing the garments. The pictures were framed, labeled and hung on the wall of the I.C. lounge area
  • Prepared a new I.C. honorary member plaque and updated the I.C. Presidents Award plaque


  • Packaged the following information into a manual for easy reference: reports and lists of tennis organizations, tournaments, tournament results and player profiles
  • Nominated the following Irvington Club members who were ultimately selected as charter members of the USTA/PNW Hall of Fame: Walter Goss, Emery Neale, and Sam Lee


  • Barbara Farmer jointed the committee replacing Laurie Taylor
  • Performed research for the USTA/PNW Hall of Fame Committee


  • Jack Neer joined the committee
  • Provided documents and pictures for the I.C. web site
  • Developed a chronological list of Oregon tennis events
  • Designed the Oregon Tennis Historical website


  • Provided documents for the USTA/PNW 100th anniversary display


  • Implemented the Oregon Tennis History website
  • Prepared the following scrapbooks: Oregon State Tournament, Pacific Coast Indoor Tournament, Irvington Club, History of Tennis in Oregon

2005 – present

  • Continued to collect,label and inventory tennis material
  • Performed tennis research and consulting
  • Maintained the lists of tournament winners
  • Provided improved visibility to tennis material (website, scrapbooks, reports, articles, etc
  • Hung tennis pictures in the upstairs area of the Irvington club
  • Created the portable tennis historical display which is in the upstairs area of the Irvington club
  • Continued to nominate prominent players and tennis contributors for awards