Originally donated in 1910 by L.M. Starr, Captain J.J. Reynolds, D.D. Starr and members of the Irvington Club and to be played for by club members of the Pacific Northwest Lawn Tennis Association it became the property of the club winning it the greatest number of times before January 1st 1913.
This cup, having been won by the Vancouver Lawn Tennis Club (Vancouver, B.C.), was re-donated to the Pacific Northwest Lawn Tennis Association in perpetuity.
This information is contained in the Pacific Northwest Lawn Tennis Association 1928 Handbook.
The Seattle Tennis Club presently holds the cup, having won the last challenge match. The cup is on loan to the Irvington Club for the period of its centennial.
A record of all challenge matches played with individual results reside in the Irvington Club historical file.
Document Source: Sam Lee, 1995