- Passed away in 2000 at the age of 90.
- He had been a member of the Irvington Club since childhood, enjoying the club’s longest membership.
- Marched in the first Irvington Childrens parade in 1914.
- Attended Washington High School 3 years, and then graduated from Grant high school.
- Attended Whitman college and was no. 2 man on their tennis team.
- For many years he owned and operated the Leader Tennis Shop on SW 12th across from the Portland Tennis Center, selling tennis racquets and balls, and stringing racquets. At one time he patented and marketed a racquet stringing machine.
- Became the Irvington club’s first resident manager after World War II. He was Irvington Club president in 1949.
- For many years, he managed the Oregon State and Portland City tournaments held at the Irvington Club.
- He served as a director of the Portland Tennis Center Association.
- Served as treasurer of the Oregon Senior Tennis Association.
- The set of American Lawn Tennis magazines covering early U.S. tennis history, now in the Irvington club trophy case, were his gift to the club.
- For sure, Wes dedicated his whole life to tennis.
- Honorary member of the Irvington Club
Document Source: Sam Lee, 2000