The dashing tennis queens of 1903 and 1904 and the nimble knights of the racquet of the same period, when the game was not the swift, ultra-skillful contest it now is, and when the clothes conformed to custom and not the the requirements of the game?
The picture was taken during the state championships on Multnomah Field.
The women in the front are: Myrtle Schaeffer, Mabel Goss Burkhardt, Mrs Walter M. Cook, Lily Fox, Nan Robertson Warren, Leslie Weidler de Schweinitz, Rachel Josephi, Mrs Helms (wife of Captain Helms), Amy Heitshu Sewell, Miss Gray, Miss Fording and Lessie Leadbetter Wentworth.
It is not definitely known whether in those days they played with their hats on, but it is altogether possible that they did.